1. Disney’s first animated movie to focus on a woman of color was . . . “Pocahontas” in 1995. It’s also the first (and only) time Disney made an animated movie about a real person. (That said, the movie did deviate significantly from the true historical account of Pocahontas’s life.)
2. When you’re on a plane, you’re under the laws of the country where the plane is registered, not where you take off from. So if you punch someone on an Air Canada flight that took off in the U.S., you’ll face charges in Canada.
3. The word “aardvark” comes from the word “erdvark” in Afrikaans, which means “earth pig.”
4. The first president to wear full pants was John Adams. George Washington only wore knee-length pants with stockings.
5. The Library of Congress is only the second biggest library in the world. It has about 175 million items in its catalog . . . the British Library in London is reportedly bigger, with closer to 200 million items.